What is the Importance of Bumper Plates

bumper plate set

Importance of Bumper Plates

Whether you want to build a home gym or set up a commercial gym, weight plates are the best choice and also provide an effective way to work out. But the problem is, like other things, there is so much to choose from. Unless you’re an experienced person in this field, it is quite tough to choose the right one, especially the bumper plates.

Also, buying all types of weights isn’t a good option. So, with many options available, you need to find the weights that are perfect for your fitness goals.

So to help you make the right decision, we have mentioned some important points about the bumper plates.

Types of Bumper Plates

The first important thing to consider while buying weight plates is to understand the different discs available. We have three disc sizes:

  1. Olympic Discs –

A standard size disc in the fitness industry with a centre hole of 50mm diameter.

  1. Standard Discs –

They have a centre hole of 25mm in diameter. Do not fit on an Olympic bar.

  1. Studio Discs – 

Mainly used in Group Exercise Classes such as a class run by Les Mills. These discs are rubber coated with a small 30mm centre hole.

What are Rubber Bumper Plates Made Up of?

Rubber bumper plates are made of dense rubber and the centre circle of steel. These plates are best for exercises like deadlift, CrossFit, strength training, and Olympic weightlifting. A major importance of bumper plates is that you can do a variety of exercises with them, which means that they offer good workout flexibility. This makes them ideal for a range of environments, i.e. can be used in an outdoor garden gym or at commercial gyms.

The solid rubber material of the bumper plate absorbs the impact caused by them when dropped on the floor. It also protects the weights and floor from getting damaged, people around from getting injured, and reduces the noise made on their drop. The steel ring in the centre helps to protect your bar, which makes your equipment last longer.

They are preferred over steel plates in strength training because they are safer to drop many times, are much quieter than steel plates, and don’t make sharp knocking sounds when lifted or dropped on the floor.

What are the Best Bumper Plate Exercises?

Free weights exercises are quite challenging and make your workout much more effective as they burn calories, add muscle definition, and build strength. Plates handle the correct exercise form as well.

Bumper plates are best suitable for these exercises:

  • Olympic lifting moves such as clean, snatch, and jerk
  • Powerlifting
  • Deadlifts
  • Functional training
  • Strength and conditioning

While using bumper plates, the correct technique needs to be followed, otherwise, it results in injury to yourself and the floor. If you are a beginner in weightlifting, seek out advice from a personal trainer or coach to learn the correct technique.

Good bumper plates use high-quality rubber that withstands for a longer time. Bumper plates offer a safe way to maximize your workout with tough materials and quick loading and unloading of plates.

While choosing the right equipment for your gym, always prefer high-quality materials as they are safe and purpose-built.